It’s Always 5 P.M. Somewhere

Actually, it’s after 10 P.M. here, but I am enjoying a glass of Merlot.  I don’t know why I’m so tired because I haven’t done much today physically.  I spent 12 hours at work that were uneventful to downright boring and since I arrived home I’ve done nothing to speak of.  I cleaned out some of my Outlook folders, caught up with Facebook, medicated Maximus, Dusty and the fish tank, and put a coat of polish on my nails.  Ronnie cooked hamburger patties for dinner so all I had to do was throw it in the microwave and chow down.  He didn’t have to work today so all the dogs were so happy when I got home.  They love being with us, it doesn’t matter which one of us either.  That’s a really cool thing about our pack.  They all love each other and us equally.

Ronnie got his new hearing aids (remember that the dogs ate the last ones?).  Luckily we had insurance on them that replaced them for $500.  Since the initial cost was $6700 I thought a $500 deductible was chicken feed!  The upside is that Ronnie can hear me again instead of me repeating myself 80 times and then getting pissed because of it.  Downside is that he won’t wear them at home because the dogs are so loud.  Hello?  How the hell can he hear me without them?  Perhaps that’s the point…maybe he doesn’t want to hear me.  So, what did we buy them for?  He can’t wear them to work.  He can’t wear them at home.  So, they’re for fishing trips?

Tomorrow is my day off (?) which means a day of errands and housework.  I have 2 doctors appointments and Mimi goes for her nail trimming.  I decided that since she’s a biter I wouldn’t try to take her to Petsmart so I made an appointment for her at our veterinarian’s office between my two appointments.  And I still have to buy groceries.  We have a brand-new refrigerator that’s basically empty.  Also, I have ALLLL those files to finish sorting/cleaning out, the shredding to do, the serger to re-connect and test, a raft of patterns to sort so I can buy fabric, pillowcases and a valance for my office to construct.  The new lateral file is here (in the box) which will have to be constructed, installed and organized.  And before I can do any of this I need a long, hot bath—without any canine company to assist me.

Just bathing around here sometimes is a feat.  We both like a hot bath, a soak, reading books, whatever relaxes us since our lives have become so stressfull of late.  But neither of us chooses to close the door while we soak.  The result, of couse, is dogs, dogs, dogs in the bathroom.  Dogs like to lick the water off your skin (Bandit), lick water out of your cupped hands (Maximus), lick water off your body while they walk on your tummy (Dusty), roll on “your” towel (Mimi), relax on the rug while patiently waiting for you to get the hell out of the tub (Fancy).  Sometimes a relaxing bath is anything but.

Of late I have come to expect my life to be calmer than it is.  I have expected myself to be calmer than I am.  I have wondered why neither of these ideas is reality.  I wonder why, at the age of 60, I can’t make my life so…….when does that happen?  When does life slow down and your frayed nerves calm down, and your expectations lessen?  Probably right after you catch up on your rest?  I don’t know what that feels like, so I guess I’m still on this treadmill called Life.  Time for an Ambien….goodnight, Gracie.

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